My Personal Opinion About an Online Degree

A lot of people ask me if I recommend to people to have a degree online, and actually, 

I think that most people should get their bachelor’s degree in a physical college. 

The college experience, the new friend, the networking, and the growth during this period are priceless. Also, online studies are harder to stick to (graduation rates are lower).

You need to have solid discipline and powerful willpower.

It’s not so easy to concentrate in the zoom, at least not in my opinion.

The Advantages of Online College

Online college degrees may be a cheaper and more accessible “good enough” solution for many people. 

They can learn the whole degree widout living the house, Their family, their friend, their boyfriend/girlfriend and their atmosphere. 

Most online colleges have high-quality lecture recordings. That will help you if you need to repeat the lecture or if you are working and want to study mainly on the weekends. 

It’s easier to combine work and studies this way. 

Are you considering online colleges? Start with 1 online course and see how it goes!

 If you are really considering taking an online degree, you should take one of the online courses of the best university. Many of them are open to the public, and there are a lot of courses (some for free). So Strat with one and see if it fits you. 

  • Recommendation – don’t start with the most interesting one. You will have some boring courses in your degree, and you need to know to you deal with that. 

So this is my honest opinion about online studies, and I’m inviting you to try to learn some online courses and material on this website. 

I would try to do this easy, fun, and really straight to the point, and I’m inviting you to notice how much energy you use.

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