Online Empathy: Unveiling the Virtual Realm of Social Work Master’s Programs”

In the era of digital education, social work master’s programs have found a new home online, breaking geographical barriers and fostering a diverse, global community. A Global Mosaic:Online programs bring together students from varied backgrounds, enriching discussions with a tapestry of experiences. The virtual classroom becomes a cultural exchange, enhancing the learning environment. Flexibility for […]

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How to Succeed in My Chosen Profession:

First, you can always be the best in your class, with the highest grades. This is a valid strategy that works. To graduate with honors, to invest the most, to be the one who helps everyone and explains to others. This is a legitimate strategy that also works. Companies like to hire employees who excel. […]

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My Personal Opinion About an Online Degree

A lot of people ask me if I recommend to people to have a degree online, and actually,  I think that most people should get their bachelor’s degree in a physical college.  The college experience, the new friend, the networking, and the growth during this period are priceless. Also, online studies are harder to stick […]

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My Personal Journey

So today, I’m going to share with you how I decide to learn industrial engineering and management. By the way, I choose to learn it physically, but I am inviting you to read my article online colleges or a traditional one? I think it all starts with my father. He is an electrical engineer, and […]

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Choosing Degree Part 3 – Elimination

So after we collect all the relevant options and discover our strengths, weaknesses, desires, and boring points, it’s time to start taking options down. The Art of Elimination – The Dealbreakers Remember the dealbreakers? Let’s start with them. I am inviting you to go through your options list and write down near them to that […]

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